+91 7738386818

We understand the contribution of employees for the company's prosperity and hence we provide them with attractive remuneration, welfare measures and a good working atmosphere. This installs a sense-of-belonging with them. Regular Get together and other cultural programs: The company organizes cultural program as and when possible but most of the times, once in a quarter, in which all the employees are given an opportunity to display their talents in dramatics, singing, acting, dancing etc. Apart from that the organizations also conduct various sports programs such as Cricket, football, etc. and regularly play matches with the teams of other organizations and colleges.


This insurance scheme is to provide adequate insurance coverage of employees for expenses related to hospitalization due to illness, disease or injury or pregnancy in the case of female employees or spouses of male employees. All employees and their dependent family members are eligible. Dependent family members include spouse, non-earning parents, and children above three months.


The main objective of the flextime policy is to provide opportunities for employees to work with flexible work schedules and set out conditions for availing of this provision. Flexible work schedules are initiated by employees and approved by management to meet business commitments while supporting employees' personal life needs. The factors on which Flexitime is allowed to an employee include Child or Parent care, Health situation, Maternity, Formal education program , and family responsibility leave.


" Career growth in the industry is robust and there is a long-term opportunity. The great growth momentum that the industry is witnessing is creating both vertical and lateral career opportunities. There also exist enough growth opportunities in the middle-management and supervisory level within the industry".